The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Directory of A:\PC-CODE Version 1.53 date: 14-JUN-84
PC-MENU EXE 19712 Executable Main MENU for PC-CODE (Start/Begin here)
PC-HELP EXE 19328 Executable User Help Program/list <.DOC> files
PC-CODE1 EXE 38016 Executable Program PC-CODE1; For File Encipherment
PC-CODE2 EXE 38528 Executable Program PC-CODE2; For Text/printable data
PC-ZERO EXE 19584 Executable Program to Zero and Erase files securely
PC-TAMP1 EXE 21632 Executable program to test Tampering of programs
PC-TAMP2 EXE 20864 Executable file to Verify PC-TAMP1 Tampering
READ ME 768 Messages about authorship and Public Domain Comments
COPYRIGH T 512 Messages about Copyright of PC-CODE source
AUTOEXEC BAT 640 A batch file that will start with the Main Menu
PC-CODE1 DOC 8846 Documentation & Comments concerning PC-CODE1
PC-CODE2 DOC 6331 Documentation & Comments concerning PC-CODE2
DIALOG11 DOC 1536 Documenting Examples of PC-CODE1 execution
DIALOG12 DOC 1280 " " " " PC-CODE1 " "
DIALOG13 DOC 3968 " " " " PC-CODE1 " "
DIALOG14 DOC 3072 " " " " PC-CODE1 " "
DIALOG15 DOC 2816 " " " " PC-CODE1 " "
DIALOG16 DOC 2816 " " " " PC-CODE1 " "
DIALOG17 DOC 7424 " " " " PC-CODE1
DIALOG21 DOC 1664 Documenting Examples of PC-CODE2 execution
DIALOG22 DOC 3200 " " " " PC-CODE2 " "
DIALOG23 DOC 4608 " " " " PC-CODE2 " "
DIALOG24 DOC 1408 " " " " PC-CODE2 " "
DIALOG25 DOC 4224 " " " " PC-CODE2 " "
PC-MENU 153 2307 Source File for PC-MENU (PC-MENU.BAS) version 1.53
PC-HELP 153 1024 Source file for PC-HELP (PC-HELP.BAS) version 1.53
PC-CODE1 153 21219 Source File for PC-CODE1 (PC-CODE1.BAS) version 1.53
PC-CODE2 153 20263 Source File for PC-CODE2 (PC-CODE2.BAS) version 1.53
PC-ZERO 153 689 Source Program to zero out and delete files securely
PC-TAMP1 153 2588 Source Program (BAS) for Anti-tamper-proofing
PC-TAMP2 153 1881 Source Program to Verify PC-TAMP1 Tampering
I-8087 DOC 640 Comments about Intel 8087 chip possibilities/Speed
SAMPLE MSG 1792 A Sample Message used for Encoding in the examples
SAMPLE KEY 472 A Sample Key File used for Encoding/decoding example
NEW1 KEY 512 A Newly computed/resultant key file from PC-CODE1
NEW2 KEY 512 A Newly computed/resulting key file from PC-CODE2
SAMPLE1 COD 2048 Sample code from encoding SAMPLE.MSG with PC-CODE1
SAMPLE2 COD 1792 Sample code from encoding SAMPLE.MSG with PC-CODE2
PC-STAT2 LOG 3840 SAMPLE log Statistics from encoding with PC-CODE2
PC-ZERO DOC 710 Documentation for PC-ZERO.153; Zero and delete files
PC-TAMP1 DOC 761 Documentation for TAMPERED.153 (check security)
FILES DOC 3190 The file you are now looking at (the above text).
42 File(s)
for TAMPERED.153 (check security)
FILES DOC 3190 The file you are now looking at (the